In my work-a-day, 9to5 life I don’t like to collaborate with people. Meaning, I do something and don’t look for opinion. Not really wanting or need example of another way to do what I did. And its not a secret. Maybe you can relate?
Recently watched the movie “Frank”. About a musician looking for stardom. Finds band that just lost a member and singer has giant paper mache head. You know, the norm.
Our protagonist, the new musician to the group, shows them song he’s working on.
They like the idea then step in front of his keyboard and start suggesting, do this or try this as he stands behind.
My Wife turns to me and says “that must drive you nuts!”
You would think. Given what I said before by all means I should hate that.
But I don’t. Not in that situation.
Maybe because creatively I work with like minds I respect and choose to be around. I know they’ll make what I do better.
Work life: you don’t choose people. They’re just there. And end of day I would rather be done doing that.
Make things with people I want to make them with, I care more.