Years ago I decided to stop pirating software and move to open source tools.

It was difficult at first but you adapt.

During this time it’s gotten a lot more mature. Even a bit more well known as open source projects have become more popular.

I started to seek out distributions that had more focus on these tools. One of them was Ubuntu Studio.

Its a Linux operating system geared directly towards musicians, video makers & designers.

I’ve been very happy with it and what it has installed right out of the box.

Ardour for multi-track recording. Inkscape and Gimp for artwork. Kdenlive for video, among other things.

They even have a live bootable DVD you can download to try it on your computer first without installing it.

On the podcast that I do, Music Manumit, we were lucky enough this week to talk to Kaj, the person leading this project.

You can have a listen to the interview on the site. Ubuntu Studio - 150816 - Music Manumit Podcast