This weekend was a big one for college towns. The day all the new students move in.
Of course for those of us that live in the town regular, it effects people who rent, such as my son.
Which in effect falls on me to help for some reason?
But that’s not what this is really about.
The name of the day reminds me of a song I wrote quite some time ago called “Moving Day”. Wrote it with a person who is long since dead to me (long story, maybe another time).
Ironically, it was about two people that were only together out of spite to prove the other wrong.
But it’s not the song that I want to talk about– it’s the creation of it.
Back then, him and I worked in a moving truck together. Creating songs while working in a truck was possibly one of the best set ups ever.
We would get in the truck to go to different destinations each day. While riding in the truck we bounced lyrics and melodies to each other. Writing them down or recording them on a mini cassette we brought with.
At the end of the week we would have a fully fleshed out song. All while still working our job. Working and creating something at the same time. Brilliant.
That was a while ago. I no longer have that job.
With text and email these days, I can still achieve collaboration, at least for lyrics.
The thing I really miss, really wish I could do more of is the melody part.
Being able to make noise in a truck. Working out harmonies and vocals. I haven’t been able to get the same interaction since. I really miss that part.
The closest I’ve come to recently is audio messages in Facebook messenger.
Still can’t compare to what I remember about songs on a truck. But it’s a start.