You ever have one of those moments where you know there’s a possibility of something going wrong, but you do it anyway?

An example would be, you’re carrying an armload of things from your car and you set your cellphone on top. As you watch it wobble you’re saying to yourself, “that’s probably not a good idea”.

But you do it anyway. And a few steps later your phone falls face down and shatters the screen.

We’ve all done stuff like that, and we always will. Don’t think we will, but we will.

The ice maker in our freezer stopped making ice the other day. And after further inspection I realized that the tube where the water comes from was inside a giant block of ice.

Figured I could fix that. Turned the temperature settings off inside the door and got out the hair dryer to melt the ice.

Now here’s where my brain was warning me so I was cautious. I made sure the extension cord for the dryer wasn’t on the ground so when ice melts it wouldn’t be in a pool of water. Smart right?

What I didn’t think about was the light below the ice maker was still on. I didn’t unplug the refrigerator.

So as the water from the maker ran down the side, it was going directly on the light. It exploded with a loud pop! Scared the shit out of me!

With the thought of being electrocuted already in my head, I stood there. And for a brief second thought “Am I dead?” Is this one of those situations where, if I turn around am I going to see myself lying on the floor? Like in the movies where someone dies and they leave their body.

Luckily that was not the case.

I unplugged the refrigerator and finished the job. And just kept thinking the rest of the night, how could I not have thought to unplug the damn thing? So stupid.

But we have ice again.