I’ve been a member of medium.com for a while but actually haven’t really used it. Like everybody else, I got an email about its updates today.

One of the main points seems to be they’re actually talking about using it as a CMS type platform.

As I was reading that, it seemed interesting they were telling people to move their stuff there. I’m always leery of that because you never know how long they’re going to be around. And then you have to migrate all of your stuff again if they don’t survive.

That’s what sparked this thought in my head.

If you know the history of the creator of medium.com, he is also the guy that created Twitter. And before that, he was one of the guys that created blogger (aka blogspot)– which was bought by Google a very long time ago.

I still use blogger.com for many of my websites, because it’s just a simple free CMS and I don’t need to manage a web server for it.

That’s not to say it doesn’t have it’s problems. One of the frustrations I’ve had with blogger lately is they haven’t updated their interface in a very long time.

I keep having to go in and customize it myself, leaving me to worry that they are not actively developing on this product anymore. Usually that’s an indication it may be subject to the dreaded Google house cleaning that they do every year to some of their programs.

As I thought more about this, it occurred to me Medium.com may just be re-creating blogger in a more updated manner?

I mean think about it? The entire thing started as a place to put a blog which was the original intent of blogspot.

Then then they opened it up to the public and people could post articles like a news site.

But now you are actually able to host all of your content there and have people search it on your own web address.

This is exactly the direction that blogspot went from its start to its current inception.

The advantage the medium platform has is, it’s an updated interface with a far better mobile application.

So did he just repurpose the idea? Or was it an accident that he’s kind of created the exact same thing years later?