Doin' the robot

About 8 years ago this picture was taken.

Back story first: I worked at an ad agency. I shared an office with a guy who’s wife worked at a school. She was involved with a production of “The Wizard of Oz” they were putting on and he made a suit for the tin man.

One day we were going to lunch and that tin man suit was in his car. I saw it, and of course, needed to put it on and dance the robot.

All makes total sense right?

We took a picture, I uploaded it to my Flickr stream. End of story.

Until, eight years later.

I get an email the other day from someone, thanking me for sharing my photo and putting it under creative commons license. There’s also a link attached telling me that they had just used it in an article.

Now, this isn’t out of the ordinary since most of the things I post, like music, pictures and art, I put under the same creative commons license.

It basically tells people they can use what I post, but need to give me credit for doing so. I’ve been able to network and see my stuff used all around the world in interning ways because of this.

Now back to this email…

I was a bit confused why, what seemed to be a news site, would want to use this this photo of all things.

Turns out it was a publication like “The Onion”, more of a satirical news site. The article tells a story of a day when robots rule the work place and a human decides to work among them undetected.

So that’s how that all happened. And truthfully it’s not the strangest thing I’ve been attributed on.