A storyboard of mine used in Sound On Sound Magazine
Got an email from Grant Baciocco telling me that a storyboard I made was used in the August 2014 issue of Sound On Sound Magazine.
It’s from a cartoon I had animated for Grant’s podcast series “The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd”.
The article isn’t about me. It’s about the use of storyboards for sound and design, they had found my storyboard on Flickr and used it for the article. Still pretty cool.
“you start by acquiring a storyboard of key events (even crude drawings will be useful) and any stills or visual inspiration, such as clips of other movies the animators are using as their own reference. You can probably also get hold of early animatics of the movie (animations that are not properly rendered, or completed visually, but are sequenced chronologically as per the storyboard).”